Wednesday, March 17, 2010

I'm Not That Into You

The gas station. Grocery store. Leaving the nail shop or even on your way to work. Everybody has been in a situation where a seemingly cool person approaches them and asks for the seven digits. Not everybody you say yes to, I mean we all have our standards, but when you get that one guy or girl who you hope is the one (or at least the one for right now) you can't help but to have a tinge of excitement in your tummy. Then, all of the sudden, you don't like 'em. After a couple phone conversations it's just over. DOA. Was never going anywhere...It happens so fast sometimes that you can't even explain it. You just know that this person is NOT somebody you even want to see again. What do you do then?

Not to sound arrogant or anything but a lot of guys approach me. Yea, sometimes I may come across a cool cat but when I don't, I don't really know how to end the situation. When it comes to breaking up and ending relationships I can handle that. You have a list of reasons and situations ready to back your decision so it's not really that hard. However, when it's just a guy that I was trying to get to know and don't really like him, what do you say? I mean, naturally a person may want to know what they did to turn you off, but if it's one of those situations where you just aren't feeling a person's energy, how do you explain that without sounding psychotic?

I really don't know what to do besides not answer my phone and hope they get the hint. This has never seemed to work for me though. I mean, you would think that after a few ignored/unreturned calls a person would get the hint, but they don't. The calls/texts may become a little more spaced out, but I don't want to deal with that sporadic call.  Plus, I'm almost 25 so I think I'm too old to play this game. I want to be able to just tell a guy, "I'm not really feeling this. We haven't been talking that long but I don't really feel anything with you so I'mma just keep it moving."  But I don't come off as rude or stuck up or anything like that. So my question is now, how do you just tell somebody that you haven't been talking to a long time that you really aren't feeling them without hurting feelings? Is that even possible?