All of my life, I wanted things handed to me. I don't come from a silver spoon family by a long shot, but because of things I had been through I thought the universe owed me something. Sort of like a reward for making it. As I sit here typing this, I recall all of the anger, frustration and hurt I caused myself just because I thought everybody owed me something. You can also call it being spoiled, feeling entitled but don't call it a way of life.
You may be thinking how is a grown woman spoiled? Do you know anybody that hangs up on people, get mad when things don't go exactly their way, walks out of meetings? Those are just general examples, it can go deeper depending on the person. In past years, I found that by me simply believing things would work out, they almost always did. I could just sit back and hope and pray and all would come to pass. As I'm growing older, I'm realizing that it was God taking care of me, because I had been a fool doing foolish things. So I've been going over the reels of my life and seeing how I have confused having faith with feeling entitled.
And now that I know there is a difference, I'm seeing how much work goes into living the life you want.
The bible says that faith without works is dead. Meaning simply, you cant just sit around wishing, wanting things to happen. You have to believe that God will give you the end result you want, according to His will, but that's only the start. For instance, you may want to be a doctor and it may be in God's will, but you still have to go to school, study and perform your best. So the pure faith I had as a child is no longer enough, for I have bigger dreams, which require bigger faith and certainly work. And when adversity comes I have to first check myself and determine if it's real adversity or simply my feeling that things should just go my way. And if its really adversity then that's when it's ok to reaffirm my faith, remind myself what I am working toward and who has my back, and keep going towards my goal.
This is going to change my life, for the better I'm sure, because it involves a lot of checking myself, humbling myself and basically getting over myself.
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